An Offertory Prayer

Dear God, your word says we love because you first loved us.

Today we pray that in your work of sanctification in us, you would make us more like Jesus in every way. That when when we reflect on your goodness, we would be good; when we reflect on your justice, we would seek your justice here on earth; when we reflect on your mercy, we would be merciful to others.

And we want also to be generous like you are generous. Giving freely of our resources knowing they are only ours to give because you first gave them to us. Giving sacrificially to the Church to support the mission of your Kingdom here on earth. Giving joyfully to share in the burdens of others. Giving in love to make your love known to the ends of the earth. Giving in obedience as we worship you this morning, throughout the week, and forever.  

May our offerings be pleasing and acceptable to you. 


— A Prayer Written by Catherine Summers for Sunday, July 12th, 2020