We Let Scott Bowman be an Elder and Here's What Happened

Hi Friends,

On November 11th, the Intown Consistory (the pastor, elders, and deacons) will be asking you to nominate people to help lead the church as elders and deacons. We need more people who are called to care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our community.

Last Sunday, I shared with you what it means to me to be an elder at Intown, and Brian asked me to write up what I said so that we could share it more broadly.

As an elder at Intown, I get to serve on the Consistory to plan how to lead the congregation to work out the mission of Intown, serving both the church body and the city. I also get to talk to you, the people in the Intown community, at important times in your lives – when you want to join our church, when you’re struggling, when you’re joyful and want to share it. I get to hear your stories of wondrous beauty and devastating pain, and I get to see how God works in the midst of all of it.

Being an elder is frustrating and uplifting, tiring and so, so lovely and I could write pages and pages about it. I could write about the many beautiful ways that you folks have come alongside the leadership in the church to do the work that God sets in front of us. I could write about how much God has blessed me and my family with this church and its messy, amazing people. I could give so many examples of times when I’ve been tired and frustrated, and you have come to me with smiles and such lovingkindness that every feeling but sheer joy has gone away.

Thank you for letting me be an elder for you and this church. Thank you for letting me continue in this work. It will be a great pleasure for me to see others experience the joy of serving this lovely little church.

Your friend and elder and brother in Christ,
