Heavenly Father, we come to you feeling both confident and humble. We are confident in you because you have qualified us in your Son Jesus. You have pursued our hearts, you have poured out your love, you have done for us in Jesus what we could not do for ourselves. You have named us as your children, without any merit on our part. So, therefore, we approach you with humility in the realization that our lives are not our own. Though we are confident in our eternal security, and confident in our abilities and gifts, we remain humble knowing that the work you have qualified us for, and called us to, is Your work and not our own. Give us clarity and assurance as we work in your kingdom each day.
Loving and steadfast God, you have abided with us through all the seasons of our lives, including those times when we have turned away from you. We praise you for the enormous sacrifice of love you gave through Jesus Christ who revealed that perfect love casts out fear.
Be with us now when we face our own trials and fears. Let them not be so overpowering that we succumb to their force. Give us the strength to withstand the pressure, and courage to face boldly those times when our faith is tested. When we are confronted by those seeking our counsel, give us your guidance. When we are challenged by those needing our support, give us your strength and courage. Help us be in solidarity with others long enough for them to trust us, so together we can both learn about and work for Christ’s liberating truth.
Give us patience to sit with the lonely. Open our arms to those who seek comfort. Free our tongues from stammering or remaining mute when a word of encouragement or truth is needed.
We pray for peace in our world. We lament and grieve when we hear the news of what’s going on across the world. Bring justice to those who cause, or are affected by, physical and emotional suffering; break its vicious cycle, we pray, that all may live in safety, peace, and hope. Comfort those who are grieving and live in fear, and protect the police and military personnel as they seek to protect others. We pray for the leaders of all nations to be used as instruments of your freedom, justice, and peace.
Father, we pray for Intown Church. Guide us and strengthen us by your Spirit, as we seek your kingdom within this body and in our communities. We praise you for the many ways you are at work: for our pastor, staff, and leaders in laying out the vision and mission of our church, and for the many ways you are carrying out your work in our body: we praise you for those who are encouraging each other in times of personal turmoil, for the times of intercessory prayer for each other, for those who are tangibly serving the downtrodden, the homeless, and the refugees. For the ways in which our corporate worship softens our hearts, and strengthens us in the trials we face. We look forward to what you have in store for Intown Church, and we pray for unity as you have called to live together as one body.
Throughout history, we take comfort in seeing how you have accompanied your people. We ask that your Spirit so move among us now as we seek to serve others. Let us be motivated by your grace, that we truly value others above ourselves in one like-minded spirit. Amen.