Denominational Transition Update

Last year, after much discussion and prayer we decided to leave our former denomination - the Presbyterian Church in America for theological, exegetical, and cultural reasons and begin the process of affiliating with the Reformed Church in America. 

After months of investigation and conversation with leaders in the RCA, we found them to be committed to the motto: In essentials unity, in nonessentials diversity, and in all things charity. Like Intown, they were highly committed to unity but not uniformity. 

In every interaction we encountered an orientation toward dialogue rather than debate, and a high commitment to the gospel and core essentials of Christianity while allowing flexibility and nuance in matters that are less central. 

They vetted us too, seeking to determine whether we would be a good fit relationally, missionally, and culturally. We never felt however that we were trying to pass a theological exam but instead they sought to learn our story, make sure our leaders were healthy, and hear about our vision and values in order to determine whether they cohered with theirs. At every turn we felt warmly embraced and begin to believe that Intown could best be Intown in an RCA context.   

So after months of vetting: us of them, and them of us, Ben Poundstone (Intown elder) and I traveled to Long Beach last month and Intown was wholeheartedly received into full communion as an RCA church.

We are incredibly delighted to not only be a part of the RCA but connected with the City Classis which will serve as our immediate relational and governing context. You can read more about the these two related entities and our ecclesial structure using the website links above.