On Sunday I preached a sermon entitled "I'm Not Making This Up" about Intown's theological roots. If you weren't able to attend, please do go back and listen as this is a very important concept to understand. You can stream or download the sermon here. Also, I found this article very helpful on the subject of reading/studying the Bible in light of "The Great Tradition", or our theological forebears.
This week we are talking about the equally valid and equally important corollary that no one tradition can fully capture all there is to say about God; no theological system is an exact representation of the word of God. Because of human finitude all of our theological systems are provisional and open to review or reformation.
Here's a teaser quote from Roger Olson's Book "Reformed and Always Reforming."
"Orthodoxy is not revelation itself. Orthodox doctrine is the product of human reflection on God's revelation and therefore is open to reconsideration in light of faithful and fresh readings of God's word. [It can never be] elevated to incorrigible status where it is functionally infallible and therefore equal to divine revelation itself."
For those of you reading this in Portland, I hope to see you on Sunday!