Floyds Coffee •1412 SE Morrison St
Intown youth grades 6-12 (and interested adults), join us as we serve members of Portland's homeless community - loving people and hearing their stories. We'll meet at Floyds Coffee shop at 6:30pm and chat briefly about some of our expectations and any fears and anxieties about the evening. We'll walk over together to Liberation Street Church for an orientation from 7-8pm. We'll serve at Night Strike, under the Burnside Bridge, from 8-9:45pm as part of the hospitality team whose main purpose is to get to know guests and help any disabled guests receive services. This is a great seeker-friendly event. For more information: bridgetowninc.org/night-strike/. Email or text Jillianne for additional information (jillianne@intownchurch.com/503-679-4331).