Our church wide Summer Picnic is this Saturday! Join us as we soak up the rays and good times at Washington Park. We’ll have some catered food, drinks, games and more!
We'll be gathering at picnic site C, just up the stairs from the east entrance to the park off of SW Park Place and by the Sacajawea statue. Click HERE for the street address. Parking is where you can find it around the park entrance.
If you haven’t signed up yet, please click HERE to do so. Optional: If you are able to, please bring a side dish (salad, dessert, chips) and indicate it on the sign-up sheet. Alcoholic beverages (beer, wine) will not be provided, but you are free to bring your own. If you'd like to bring a fun outdoor game, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well. There are only nine picnic tables, so if you have lawn chairs and a blanket or two, feel free to bring them along.
If you are able to help with either set-up or clean-up, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet and/or email Matt (matthew@intownchurch.com) for more information. If you want to help out with kids games and general kid wrangling, email Ashley (ashley@intownchurch.com).
We'll have a donation jar out to help mitigate costs for the food and drink, the suggested amount is $10 per family.